Photography & Videography

Robert B. Leckington
3 min readMay 14, 2022
Photo credit: Tech Radar

I’m wanting to try something new here. This post has affiliate links where you, as a reader, have a chance to learn something new, and I may be able to collect an affiliate’s fee.

For someone who has been an actor for so many years, it’s sort of a step up to go from actor to filmmaker, right? Well in my case, yes and no. But it hasn’t been too terribly tough to do both. Photography isn’t much of a pain, but there are elements that make it difficult. Most photographers know their way around a lens. Then there are a lot of photographers who use the “auto” settings to just cut out all the extra menus. But you can’t quite get the best picture sometimes. Same thing with video cameras.

Video cameras are setup for automatic adjustment. You don’t need to change a thing, except maybe a macro or two. Just plug and play. I have always wondered how my friends were able to understand how cameras work. I love the ability to try and change the visual look when using different lenses, but they seem to know just what to use, and how to use it to capture the best quality image. I wouldn’t say that I’m envious, but I would love to try and do an amazing shoot whether it is video or still photography by knowing this same information. Why is it so secret?!

There are courses out there that teach individuals just how to use cameras for film or otherwise. Become a professional photographer by learning the secrets of of the already established pros. Learn by doing:

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Videography is fun and exciting. You can impress your friends if you have the skills to be an excellent camera person. Be the camera person at your friends wedding, make a little side dough. It’s totally possible. If you need to start someplace, why not start here:

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Once your film has been shot, edited and formatted to be viewed on the big screen, you will need the know-how to get the best bang for your buck. This course can help you get that off the ground, click the link below!

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With this course, you will learn to bring your own movie to every CINEMA in the world!

With the unique video course by Sebastian Leitner, you can create your own DCP (digital cinema package), check it 100% play safe and clone as often as you want.

Short — you can after the successful graduation:

Understand DCP
Create your own DCP
Clone DCP
Everything with free software!

BONUS: (What you also learn)

Set your screen correctly
Understand the CINEMA color space
Set up KINO sound

Who wouldn’t want to do that? Come on, you owe to yourself to learn all there is to know about it. Go learn, save a life!

Next time, I will go over some photography basics that have helped me. No, no sponsored ads, this was just a test to see if anyone is curious. Well, because we all know that you are…



Robert B. Leckington

Robert is a self-proclaimed media savant with a penchant for photography, loves to travel, and write about products he loves.