Social Classism and the Need For Change

Robert B. Leckington
4 min readJun 8, 2022
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There has been an uptick in the number of deaths due to gun violence lately. Uvalde has been the latest horror show, but what about the smaller mass shootings that you never heard about over this last weekend? They are just as shocking. Portsmouth being the latest, then Mesa, Grand Rapids and of course lest we forget about the sole semi-notorious mass shooting being reported out of Philadelphia with 3 dead and 12 injured. The Gun Violence Archive has given list of all the mass shootings that have been on record just since the start of this year alone. You can find these, and some not-so-famous ones, all right there.

There has to be an underlying issue as to why individuals would purposefully go out and shoot up a grocery store, a synagogue or other house of worship, a concert crowd — as in the Mandolay Bay sniper attack back in 2017 leaving 61 people dead (including the shooter) and over 867 injured. Why would these persons do such irrevocable harm to others? Some used military-grade, assault-style weapons, the kind you’d only find only on the battle fields.

Depression may be a root cause to these mass shootings. But if that’s the case, why would the shooter try to shoot as many people as he could, and in most cases take his own life afterward, or when they felt too overwhelmed and saw no other way out? Skeptics to this analogy are all over the internet. You may even have a family member or two who either share this same ideal, or they may just flat out say that it’s completely false. Either way, the question remains.

The National Library of Medicine has put out an article based on mental health and has analogized that mass shooters are psychiatric wonders that need exploring into for further study. Deranged acts by mentally ill loners. This could be a defining factor into some serious discussion, if we could at least get on board both politically and through societal consciousness.

We, as a society, are so pre-occupied with how we see ourselves because the media purports so much into the “beautiful people” being the best at everything. Just who are those beautiful people they talk about? Social elites? While a person who has substantial resources does have somewhat of an advantage to someone who doesn’t, whether by inherent wealth or social stature, we all have to understand that this isn’t the case between the lower class people. That is to say, we’re not all equal, that our U.S. Constitution would like us to believe.

People who would fall to such trappings as thinking that they are not good enough, because they cannot relate to others on some level, are prime candidates for lashing out violently. On the one hand you have the media reporting such mass atrocities on the news constantly, giving way to copycat mass shootings, and then you have the media out there trying to sell you on the best shampoo on the market making your hair silky smooth, thereby you getting “all the chicks”. This is false representation, from both sides of the social spectrum. But it all stems from the media’s placating evil ways.

We shouldn’t be focusing on the media and their fear and consumption rhetoric. This just makes things worse. We should be focused on cleaning up the system whether by withholding money we send to foreign countries for aid, or by overhauling the whole system we know of by getting rid of special interest ties to the government. That topic alone is something that should be written more about. The corruption in the government being purposefully swept under the rug. Don’t like it? Do something.

Social Classism and the “ugly duckling syndrome” is a by-product of these mass shootings. But it takes a well run government to orchestrate change that is desperately needed in order for us to be a better society. STOP THE KILLINGS! Make a change for the better.

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Robert B. Leckington

Robert is a self-proclaimed media savant with a penchant for photography, loves to travel, and write about products he loves.