To Help Others Is Devine

Robert B. Leckington
4 min readMar 6, 2022

For my latest piece, I wanted to try and write about how good it feels to help others. That’s hard to do since its an individual thing. I’m just going to throw it out there. Life is tough. Don’t think that just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth that life will be a bowl of cherries with the smell of roses and all that stuff. It will kick you when you least expect it. Most people will struggle, that is until they don’t.

Meaningful Volunteering photo credit

It’s important to understand that giving back has long term effects other than the fact that you’re just being a generous person. But just what is being generous person, really? Having the kind of character that helps others is definitely not a bad thing. When you are confronted with an obstruction or obstacle in your life, do you reach out for help? Are you the one that offers help in return for the positive response that you get from such an instance? By that, I mean do you reciprocate the gesture when it becomes your turn to help? Don’t be shy, it’s okay to help others. You really do not have to be the one to help all the time either, it is just that by doing so, you get back what you put out there, and then some.

As a master’s student with the University of Southern California in their communications management course, they encourage all alumni to give back to their communities. Each year they set aside a couple of days, usually in Spring and then in the Fall for students, faculty, and alumni to help out with helping those less fortunate within their communities all across the United States and beyond, by doing whatever they need to have done, but maybe they couldn’t get around to doing themselves.

If you are the type of person who loves to give back, you know what I’m writing about. You understand that it’s not all about you. The destructive power of the need to control others has had more than its fair share in the spotlight lately, the unrest in the Ukraine not withstanding. But to be a good person, all you have to do is move beyond your own thoughts of taking control of any given situation. Look beyond your own needs and wants. Think of others. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Not all undeserving people have the ability to get what they want. Like I mentioned before, life is rough. A lot of people do not have the resources that a lot more people may have.

If you need more inspiration to be a better person and help others, read a quote or two from some famous people who share in the idea that it’s best to help others.

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”
Charles Dickens

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
Maya Angelou

Go forth, and do good for yourself, and others. It literally takes no effort to go out of your way to help. It is all up to you to make the world a better place. If you complain, belly-ache about how bad it is, it’s all on you to make a change. Once others see that you’ve made a change, they in turn may feel like they want to contribute. Over time, you may just get the world you want. But it’s got to start from somewhere! Take a risk.

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Robert B. Leckington

Robert is a self-proclaimed media savant with a penchant for photography, loves to travel, and write about products he loves.